Opinion Essay: Experiment on animals

Is good experiment on animals? This topic is very controversial. In my opinion scientists should stop experimenting on animals because they are being tortured the animals.

Resultat d'imatges de experiment with animalsFirst of all, experimenting on animals is useless, because animals are different that humans and they have not the same diseases. Apart from that, they claim that currently there are alternative methods as computer models.

Secondly, the animals say that is inadmissible to locked up the animals and use the animals in the name of the scientists. The investigators say if they stopped doing that, they would renounce important medicals advances. What is more. experimenting with animals is an act of cruelty and morally unacceptable.

To conclude, I view, the experiment on animals is cruelty and intolerable and the scientists can use alternative methods.                                                                                                                             


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