The relaxing place for me is an old house. I'm in a old house, but this house is at the same time an elegant, magic and charming place. All this room is surrounded by artistics elements as pictures of ancient places or beautiful antiquity. I'm in front of a piano that this it plays by itself, with nobody playing it.

     The window is open and therefare gets in a bird. The bird is little and it is blue as the sea. There is a alight in my hand. I caress him. The bird flies away suddenly. A cat appears, he doesn't stop meawing.

     I feel calm, a relaxing calm that litle by litle absorbs me. I'm happy but at the same time I'm sad for a loss that I don't know.

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  1. Great write fan number one of twice and Gfriend specially naeyon and Umji <3


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